Simulation der Prozesskette kontinuierlich verstärkter Faserverbundbauteile


The lecture deals with methods for the calculation of FRP components with continuous fiber reinforcement and provides the necessary understanding of materials and processes. The material behavior of fiber composites is largely determined by the fiber structure. This must be suitably modeled in the single layer and in the multilayer composite in order to be able to reliably predict the deformation and damage behavior of FRP components. In the case of curved components, the fiber structure is only created during the manufacturing process, specifically during the forming (draping) of the two-dimensional semi-finished products into a three-dimensional structure (preform). In addition, there is the mold filling process, in which the preform is infiltrated with a reactive resin system, as well as the curing process, which can lead to distortion and residual stresses. In addition to the simulation of structural behavior, process simulation is therefore an essential building block for the holistic development of fiber composite components. The main contents are: 

  • Virtual Process Chain
  • Draping simulation: draping behavior of textiles
    draping process, kinematic draping simulation, FE draping simulation
  • Molding simulation: Principles of fluid mechanics, viscosity and permeability, molding simulation within the CAE chain
  • Curing simulation and distortion: process of crosslinking, resin kinetics, thermomechanics, internal stresses, part distortion
  • Structural simulation: Modelling of multilayer laminate, 
    influence of manufacturing effects

Study goals:

The students understand that the microstructure of fibre reinforces plastics (FRP) and the resulting material behavior is mainly influenced by the manufacturing process. They know the simulation steps needed to virtually describe the process chain of RTM (resin transfer molding) parts. They are able to explain the principal mechanical processes of draping, molding and curing and can name their influences on the structural behavior.


lectures: 21h, preparation of examination: 63h

Language of instructionGerman

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