Benjamin Kazenwadel, M.Sc.
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- benjamin kazenwadel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik
Institutsteil Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen
Rintheimer Querallee 2
Gebäude 70.04
76131 Karlsruhe
Titel |
Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen |
Übung zu "Steuerung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen" |
Steuerung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen |
Operating Point Optimization of Agricultural Tractor–Implement Combinations as Constraint Optimization Problem
Kazenwadel, B.; Graf, M.; Michiels, L.; Geimer, M.
2025. Eng, 6 (2), 27 S. doi:10.3390/eng6020027
Kazenwadel, B.; Graf, M.; Michiels, L.; Geimer, M.
2025. Eng, 6 (2), 27 S. doi:10.3390/eng6020027
A Comparison of State-of-the-Art Network Architectures for Instance-Segmentation in Forest Environments
Michiels, L.; Westermann, M.; Kazenwadel, B.; Geiger, C.; Geimer, M.
2024. Proceedings of 14th International Fluid Power Conference (IFK 2024) Dresden, Deutschland, 19.03.2024–21.03.2024
Michiels, L.; Westermann, M.; Kazenwadel, B.; Geiger, C.; Geimer, M.
2024. Proceedings of 14th International Fluid Power Conference (IFK 2024) Dresden, Deutschland, 19.03.2024–21.03.2024
Data-driven algorithms for predicting energy-efficient operating points in agricultural soil tillage
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Michiels, L.; Geimer, M.
2023. Land.Technik AgEng 2023, 519–528, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181024270
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Michiels, L.; Geimer, M.
2023. Land.Technik AgEng 2023, 519–528, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181024270
Real-Time Prediction of Efficient Operating Points in Quasi-Stationary Agricultural Processes with Hydraulic Implements
Kazenwadel, B.; Geimer, M.
2023. ASME/BATH 2023 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control October 16–18, 2023, Sarasota, Florida, USA. doi:10.1115/FPMC2023-111383
Kazenwadel, B.; Geimer, M.
2023. ASME/BATH 2023 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control October 16–18, 2023, Sarasota, Florida, USA. doi:10.1115/FPMC2023-111383
Aligning process quality and efficiency in agricultural soil tillage
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Graf, M.; Geimer, M.
2023. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 71 (11), 979–986. doi:10.1515/auto-2023-0042
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Graf, M.; Geimer, M.
2023. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 71 (11), 979–986. doi:10.1515/auto-2023-0042
MobimaSkidRoads Dataset
Michiels, L.; Becker, S.; Beiser, S.; Geiger, C.; Graf, M.; Kazenwadel, B.; Rivera Cedeño, E.; Waldschmidt, M.; Westermann, M.; Geimer, M.
2023, September 27. doi:10.35097/1750
Michiels, L.; Becker, S.; Beiser, S.; Geiger, C.; Graf, M.; Kazenwadel, B.; Rivera Cedeño, E.; Waldschmidt, M.; Westermann, M.; Geimer, M.
2023, September 27. doi:10.35097/1750
Measurement Data Recording and Preprocessing for Training Data Generation using ROS
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Geimer, M.
2023. 8th International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance, Online, 17th-18th November 2022. Proceedings, 21–26, Politechnika Wrocławska. doi:10.37190/MCG2022
Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Geimer, M.
2023. 8th International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance, Online, 17th-18th November 2022. Proceedings, 21–26, Politechnika Wrocławska. doi:10.37190/MCG2022
Real-time localization for mobile machines by fusing barometric altitude measurements with surface profiles
Michiels, L.; Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Geimer, M.
2022. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2022), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/FUSION49751.2022.9841393
Michiels, L.; Kazenwadel, B.; Becker, S.; Geimer, M.
2022. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2022), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/FUSION49751.2022.9841393
Automation and Optimization of Working Speed and Depth in Agricultural Soil Tillage with a Model Predictive Control based on Machine Learning
Becker, S.; Kazenwadel, B.; Geimer, M.
2022. LAND.TECHNIK 2022 The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations, 55–64, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181023952-55
Becker, S.; Kazenwadel, B.; Geimer, M.
2022. LAND.TECHNIK 2022 The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations, 55–64, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181023952-55