Subsystem- and full-vehicle-simulation of mobile machines using Simulation X |
Manuel Bös
15th ITI Symposium, Dresden |
Virtual process chain for the optimization of operator comfort and vehicle dynamics of wheel loaders |
Manuel Bös
16th ITI Symposium, Dresden |
Automated model generation for full-vehicle simulation of mobile machines |
Manuel Bös
Rettenwender C.,
17th ITI Symposium, Dresden
3.-5. November 2014 |
Full-vehicle simulation of heavy construction equipment with FTire and Simulation X |
Manuel Bös
2nd FTire Usermeeting,
Aachen |
Virtual process for holistic optimization of vibration comfort, vehicle dynamics and tipping of wheel loaders using full-vehicle simulation |
Manuel Bös
3rd Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium, Kaiserslautern, Seite 131-140
Predicting global vehicle behavior of mobile machines using automated simulation |
Manuel Bös
Dynamic Simulation in
Vehicle Engineering, St. Valentin |
Einblicke in die Radladerentwicklung im Hause Liebherr |
Manuel Bös
KIT Maschinenbautag |
Untersuchung und Optimierung der Fahrkomfort- und Fahrdynamikeigenschaften von Radladern unter Berücksichtigung der prozessspezifischen Randbedingungen |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Bös
KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe
Karlsruher Schriftenreihe / Fahrzeugsystemtechnik
Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik ; 29
ISSN: 1869-6058 |
Schwingungskomfort und Fahrsicherheit - Virtuelle Prozesskette zur Komfort- und Fahrdynamikoptimierung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen |
Manuel Bös
Mobile Maschinen, Heft 5, S. 20-21 |
Virtual assessment and optimization of vibration comfort of mobile machines using full-vehicle simulation |
Manuel Bös
Marcus Geimer
G. Hofmann
VDI Tagung Humanschwingungen, Dresden