Integral User-Specific Energy Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart-Grid Environments


The former top-down centralized power generation structure is devolving constantly into a much more distributed and interactive generation landscape. Innovative concepts like dynamic energy tariffs, smart contracts or the remuneration of grid services provide incentives to adjust energy consumption according to future generation. In particular, major loads like electric vehicles are virtually predestined for these opportunities, since all of them offer great chances for TCO reduction. However, the numerous choices have the potential to overstrain the average user, thus lowering overall user acceptance. The project seeks to work on this, by providing technical solutions, capable of guiding the user through the complex decision making process. For this purpose, the electric vehicle is intended to act as an autonomous agent. That means, it acts on its own experience, fulfilling the individual user-needs at any time. Of course, the uppermost priority of providing mobility.