Confined precise removal of reinforced concrete
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Tagungsband zum 10. Internationales Symposium „Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle“ einschließlich 10. Statusbericht des BMBF „Stilllegung und Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen“ 06.-08. April 2011, Dresden
- Datum: 2011
Decontamination and remote handled shredding of reinforced concrete is fundamental to the decommissioning process of nuclear installations. The main target is to select and remove the contaminated material and to return the remaining material to the regular recycling loop, since the contaminated material usually only provides for a fraction of the total mass. Various methods, which are continuously being optimized and developed are available for the only a few millimeter deep surface decontamination. The demolition and deep removal of reinforced concrete, e.g. in cracks or breaks, is still a problem. There are currently no procedures available that remove concrete and reinforcement in a single step in order for the surface to be released. In a public founded joint project the Institute of Vehicle System Technology and the Institute for Technology and Management in Construction, both at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Herrenknecht AG are developing a system for the confined precise and remote removal of highly reinforced concrete. Simultaneously, the concrete and reinforcement chippings will be recovered and packed for final disposal in one step. The aim of the project is to develop a new and universal system that allows decommissioning companies for the first time to remove highly reinforced concrete without system and component change and with minimized personnel deployment.