Flexibles Management für Traktoren
Micaela Wünsche
Sanaz Mostaghim
Hartmut Schmeck
70. Internationale Tagung "Land.Technik". Mit Erfahrung und Innovationskraft zu mehr Effizienz. 06. und 07. November 2012, Karlsruhe.
Ltg.: T. Lang
Verlag: Karlsruhe
Jahr: 2012
Seitenangabe: 69-74 -
The development of a flexible and holistic management for tractors is motivated by the multitude of different internal and external influences of an increasingly complex system. As concrete realisation of such a management, the observer/controller-architecture is introduced. Presented results show a comparison of the holistic approach with the conventional management within DLG-Powermix Z2-ploughing.