Automotive Engineering I
- Typ: written
- Vorlesung: Automotive Engineering I
- Ort: Location will be announced after closing date
- Datum: 25.02.2025
- Zeit: 08:00
- Dauer: 120min (for 8LP - e.g. Mech. Eng. Students, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Informatics, Mathematics); 105min(for 6LP - e.g. Students of Industrial Engineering and Management - see information below)
Campus Portal
Within the exam no lecture notes, formulary or programmable devices are allowed.
Registration through "Studierendenportal".
Registration with "Zulassungsbescheinigung" Please send Mrs. Kaiser your "Zulassungsbescheinigung"and register by Mail (Speaking times of Mrs. Kaiser).
Content which matters for long examination (120 minutes):
Except for chapter 1 (introduction), all chapters of the lecture "Automotive Engineering I" (script winter semester 2023/24) are relevant for the examination, i.e. chapter 2 (driving mechanics) up to and including chapter 5 (power transmission and distribution).
Content which matters for short examination (105 minutes):
The following chapters of the lecture " Automotive Engineering I" (script for winter semester 2023/24) are relevant for the examination: Chapter 2 (Driving Mechanics) up to and including Chapter 4.252 (Two-speed gearboxes for electric vehicles). Chapters 1 (Introduction), 4.26 (Stepless mechanical transmission), 4.27 (Continuously Variable Transmission (Stepless automation)) and 5. (Power transfer and distribution) are omitted.