Validation concept for scenario-based connected test benches of a highly automated vehicle
7. Internationale ATZ-Fachkonferenz | Hybrid Event
Wiesbaden / virtuell via Live-Stream
08.06.2021 – 09.06.2021
Wäschle, W.
Wolter, K.
Pecha, U.
Bause, K.
Behrendt, M.
Highly automated functions and components for vehicle guidance lead to increasing demands while still expected high reliability and safety. The partners within Smart Load project addresses these challenges with new validation concepts such as the cross-company or institute connection of test benches. Based on the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop approach applying mixed physical-virtual models, use case specific validation environments are modeled, compared and built. The authors realize the scenario ”cornering of a people mover” with a location-distributed connection of a simulation environment, a gearbox test bench and an engine simulation in a closed-loop setup. All partners involved in the network can implement independent fallback mechanisms and substitute models. The connections is supported by modeling interrelated elements like scenarios in the Systems Modeling Language. Furthermore, the technical implementation is supported using substitute models, a toolchain for deriving concrete scenarios and the use of an adapted Distributed Co-Simulation Protocol. In result, the distributed tests show the inter-dependencies of different components on distributed test benches, connected to a total vehicle simulation.