Influence of rotor position on the design of electric drive system

  • Tagung:

    17. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

  • Tagungsort:

    Stuttgart, Germany

  • Datum:


  • Autoren:

    Neidig, N.

    Werner, Q.

    Lehmann, R.

    Doppelbauer, M.

  • Quelle:


Confronted to new social, environmental and economic challenges, the automotive sector is currently facing a major shift of its history. To address them and without hindering the customers’ expectation, the solution are various and multiple. Among them, drivetrain electrification is currently a topic of high interest. The best utilization of the electrical energy is one of the core topics and influences the design of the entire vehicle. In the case of the electric drive system (electric machine and inverter), each sub-parts are concerned down to the resolver. Even small error can induce faulty estimation of the machine parameter which leads to torque and current deviations. These deviations will generate higher losses in the machine and therefore the system performance is reduced. To fulfil the automotive specific target of the resolver as well as the requirements of a sustainable mobility, a consistent knowledge of its principle is required. The focus of this paper is therefore set on the investigation of the angle error and particularly on its influence on the entire electric drive system. The paper presents thus models for the understanding of the resolver challenges before detailing the modelling approach to consider its influence on the entire electric drive system.