Principles of Whole Vehicle Engineering I
- Typ: lecture - english spoken
- Semester: winter semester
Campus Ost, Gebäude 70.04, Raum 219
12:00 until 15:00
- Beginn: 14.10.2024
- Dozent:
- LVNr.: 2113851
written exam, please contact Mrs. Kaiser
Please note: With beginning of the winter semester 2024, Mr Manfred Harrer will take over the lecture as a lecturer.
the 3rd lecture block will take place on 27th January 2025 at 08:30 am at Campus East, Building 70.04, Room 220. Afterwards - at 11:30 am - there will be an consultation hour where you will have the opportunity to clarify any open questions about the exam.
Copyright requirements does not allow to use the lecture material as an open source. So, it is password protected. You will get the password by entering your mailadresse here:
It allows your access to the ILIAS lecture course.
Learning Outcomes
The students have an overview of the fundamentals of the development of automobiles.
They know the development process, the national and the international legal requirements that are to be met. They have knowledge about the thermos management, aerodynamics and the design of an automobile. They are ready to judge goal conflicts in the field of automobile development and to work out approaches to solving a problem.
1. Process of automobile development
2. Conceptual dimensioning and design of an automobile
3. Laws and regulations – National and international boundary conditions
4. Aero dynamical dimensioning and design of an automobile I
5. Aero dynamical dimensioning and design of an automobile II
6. Thermo-management in the conflict of objectives between styling, aerodynamic and packaging guidelines I
7. Thermo-management in the conflict of objectives between styling, aerodynamic and packaging guidelines II
The scriptum will be provided during the first lessons